At a Glance:
- Region: Gujarat
- Belongs From: Sanskrit
- Major Languages: Hindi, Gujarati and Kachchhi (Kutchi)
- Important Components: Mahatma Gandhi, Narsinh Mehta

Gujarat’s official and local languages are Hindi and Gujarati. As Gujarati language is their regional language, most of the people’s mother tongue language is Gujarati. Their also many people who speaks other language, but they are irrelevant. The people whose mother tongue is Gujarati, are universally speak this language, Gujarati language is little bit similar to the Devanagari but not exactly Devanagari because it is written without using overhead line. National language is also widely use in Gujarat state. As per the other languages, Indo Aryan; Gujarati language is also came from the Sanskrit through Apabhramsha and Prakrit. Today Gujarati language is widely used by the people but is was obtained earlier.
This language is mostly spoken in the west Rajasthan which was earlier known as old western part of Rajasthan and in the Gujarat. During the period of eleventh and fourteenth century, old Gujarati or Apabhramsha was spoken by that times people. In the fifteenth century, after Sultanate emperor was established the old Gujarati language was obtained. But the plan of foundation of the modern state Gujarat was taken place in the seventeenth century. This language was highly spread and developed through the great word creators, scholars, writers, poet like Mahatma Gandhi and Narsinh Mehta. The biggest contribution in spreading the great Gujarati language by the thoughtful literature of people, folklore, Garbi, Kirtan, Raas, Garba and Bhajan which were the best vehicles of Gujarati language to reach each corner of the world. Another major language of the district is Kachchhi, this language is slightly different but people write it in the Gujarati script. By the help of their Gujarati classical and folk songs, they have publicized their language. Gujarati drama also played and playing major part to take Gujarati language in other regions and nations.